Better Call Saul: 10 Scenes From Breaking Bad That Need Expanding

7. The A-Team

This next scene is actually two scenes, both concerning Saul Goodman's 'A-Team.' The last we saw of Huell Babineaux, Saul€™s mouth-breathing pickpocketing bodyguard (To€™hajiilee) was as Walt€™s empire began crumbling. Hank questions Huell, moving him to a safehouse for his 'own protection,' tricking the bodyguard into spilling his few but relevant beans. Huell is left sitting alone on the safe house bed, as unsure as viewers as to what will become of him. An internet meme claims he is still sitting there, though odds are against that. Huell is surely up to something but what? Saul€™s other €˜A-Teamer€™ is Patrick Kuby, last seen in the car with Saul and Walt (Rabid Dog) explaining the mental torture of staking out Badger and Skinny Pete. Hank tells Huell that Kuby was missing and presumably dead in the fray but it is safe to assume that this is not the case. This begs the question then, where exactly is he and will his unique skill set be brought into play with whatever misadventures Saul finds himself in next? Judging from Saul€™s past company, we can expect a BCS ripe with memorable supporting players. But what happened to those he left behind? Perhaps they are making their way to Nebraska to redevous with their former employer? Maybe not both of them, maybe Huell is enough with a cameo or two from Kuby. More for the fans than the story, a callback or inclusion of the 'A-Team' would be a nice nod to the past.

David Wagner is an author/musician who splits his time between Oakland, CA and Istanbul, Turkey. David has published two novels, both available on his website, and as a fan of movies, comics, and genre television, he is happy to be working with WhatCulture as a regular contributor.