Better Call Saul: 10 Season 6 Fan Theories (That Could Come True)

2. Kim Comes To Collect Gene And They Live Happily Ever After

Gene Better Call Saul

Whilst this one is delightful and possible, it is just as equally absurd and impossible.

The theory says that, in a kind of follow-up to Kim being the shadow partner, Kim is the one to get Gene out of his situation in Nebraska. We know that something made Gene hang up the phone on Ed, and we won't know what for some time. But, what if it was Kim?

If she was his shadow partner in Breaking Bad and he had to leave very quickly because of the antics of Walter White, there may not have been time for him to get to Kim before it all went south. Also, there's the fact that she may have also been suspected by the police herself had any call been made to her by Saul.

What if Kim has been looking for Gene all this time, to come and get him and leave with him for pastures new? What if she, too, used Ed's service to get herself out of the situation that White created? After all, we don't know how Saul knew of Ed's service. Perhaps it was through Kim?

It sounds a bit out there as a theory, though that doesn't make it untrue. Perhaps Jimmy and Kim really do just get to live happily ever after, in a similar way to Jesse at the end of El Camino.

Likelihood: 3/10


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.