The Big Bang Theory: 12 Recurring Things That Need To Die

4. The Cheesecake Factory

In the most recent episode but last we find Penny quitting her job at the cheesecake factory so she can concentrate on her acting career. Laudable, but when you€™ve only had one advertising gig in 6 years it would seem more than a little risky. Also, where exactly is she getting the money to pay her rent from? Obviously her apartment is considerably smaller than the boys€™ but it still costs money. Penny is regularly seen unable to contribute to checks and yet always seems to have new shoes, clothes, has plenty of money for wine and manages to pay the rent. All from working at a cheesecake restaurant. Exactly how many tips is she getting? It€™s also a lame location for situation comedy with the only decent example being Sheldon€™s discovery of the particle moving through like a wave after dropping some dishes. It€™s time to give Penny a regular acting role that takes her away from the group and gives her more cash. A change in dynamic would improve the chance for new situations and give Penny some chance for growth.

I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.