The Big Bang Theory: 8 Reasons To Be Excited About Season 8

7. More Stuart In All Of Our Lives

The saddest sack of the show, Stuart Bloom, seemed to be finally getting the Bad Day that might make his frequent jokes about depression and pulling the plug on his life a horrible reality. His perennially failing business, the gang€™s local comic book store, has been burned out and then flooded by the fire department, rendering his entire stock a charred and soggy mulch. Well, those mylar sleeves couldn€™t protect them from everything€ However, at the very end of season seven it seemed that things might actually be looking up for the biggest loser on the show. Howard had managed to palm off his grotesque mother onto someone whose life was already so bad that living with her made it better. We finally got to see a smile on that hangdog face, Stuart not quite believing his luck. Wouldn€™t you know it, but six weeks later that€™s all gone weird on us. Howard is finding it peculiar that his mother and Stuart continue to dote on each other past the point of her needing physical care and attention after her accident. Even though he€™s not needed any more, he€™s still living with her, and it doesn€™t look like that€™s going to change any time soon. While Howard€™s concern that it€™s €˜weird€™ for a 30 year old man to be living with his mother is amusing enough (especially considering that Kevin Sussman is actually 43, rivaling 41 year old Jim Parsons as the babyfaced geezer of the cast), things begin to take a creepier turn for him when he finds that Stuart and his mother have recorded their own joint answering machine message on her machine - and then Stuart begins to act as though he's Howard's father. Whatever happens, it looks like we€™ll be seeing a lot more of Stuart this season.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.