The Big Bang Theory: 8 Reasons To Be Excited About Season 8

6. Power Struggles Between The Ladies

With the new change in Penny€™s circumstances (more on that later), things are a-changing between the three women on the show. Historically, Penny€™s been the leader, with no career but plenty of street smarts, Bernadette€™s been the sassy firecracker you don€™t mess with, and Amy€™s been the amiable, sexually frustrated genius with no social skills. The odd skirmish aside, that dynamic is a comfortable one for them to settle into, with a defined pecking order. Not anymore. With Penny€™s new role meshing with Bernie€™s sphere at work, the two will begin to butt heads; both coming to Amy for reassurance and snipery€ and Amy loves it. Suddenly she€™s the sought-after one of the three, both of the more dominant women needing her attention and practically competing for it. It probably won€™t matter to Amy that it€™s not about her: that she€™s only getting more social clout because Penny and Bernie are clashing. Her self-esteem seems to have actually suffered since going out with Sheldon, and the sad thing is that she€™ll probably take whatever validation, real or fake, that she can get.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.