The Big Bang Theory: 8 Reasons To Be Excited About Season 8

5. Sheldon And Amy Are In For Rocky Times

At the end of season seven Sheldon is rattled by Penny and Leonard€™s engagement, and the €˜revelation€™ that the couple might want to live together, and without him. When he discusses it with Amy, she offers what might seem a reasonable solution, given the length of time they€™ve been seeing each other: that he move in with her. Naturally, Sheldon rubbishes the notion, and ends up actually running away from home to sort his head out. Even considering her lowered expectations for this relationship, that€™s got to hurt. When we find Sheldon at the beginning of season eight, he€™s been away for six weeks, and at the first sign of trouble he calls Leonard to come and get him from Arizona. The only reason she even knows about it is because Leonard asks her to come: because Sheldon doesn€™t want her to think he can€™t make it on his own. That€™s reasonably touching, but Sheldon isn€™t on his own: all appearances to the contrary, he€™s had a full-time girlfriend for four years now. All Amy appears to have gotten out of it is one kiss and some fairly comprehensively crushed self-esteem. When he comes clean to her on the drive back, Amy admits to Sheldon that she knows he€™s not perfect, and she€™s fine with it. That€™s supposed to be a moment of reconciliation, but naturally Sheldon takes offence at the idea that he€™s not perfect. Mayim Bialik has gone on record as saying that this rough patch won€™t last too long, and that any issues between the two characters will be resolved fairly soon. Whether that€™s wish fulfillment on the part of one of the funniest actors on television remains to be seen€

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