BoJack Horseman: 10 Burning Questions That Must Be Answered In Season 4

1. Will He Finally Be Happy?

BoJack Horseman Mr Peanutbutter

Throughout the three seasons BoJack didn't so much struggle with happiness, but more so with even finding it. Whether it was sex, human interaction or intoxication, it seemed that even when he felt joy, BoJack actually forced himself to be in a good mood.

The crucial moment came when he learned that he was nominated for an Oscar, which was his dream throughout the season. When he reached it, he felt exactly the same as before the announcement. Why then, after finding out that he wasn't actually nominated, BoJack felt sadder than before?

Obviously, as pointed out by Todd, BoJack is the one to blame for what happens to him and for who he is. He doesn't want others to feel better, he sabotages their plans for the sole reason of sharing their misery.

He surrounds himself with unhappy people because he's an unhappy person. The fact that he refuses to see that makes him even sadder. BoJack doesn't need to find acceptance, people love him. The change must come from within, he's the one that must accept people and through that understand that life is a shared experience.

What questions do you have for Season 4? Let us know down in the comments.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.