BoJack Horseman: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best

4. Season Five

Bojack Horseman hollywood sign

Season five is a brilliant achievement - a moving, funny exploration of BoJack's fractured mental state and Diane's post-divorce activities. This was the season that brought fans BoJack's mother's funeral, in which BoJack gives an episode-long eulogy about his conflicting feelings about her death and his haunting childhood. It also serves a fitting, daring response of the Me Too movement, allowing the writers to tackle the issues within Hollywood and the image of the celebrity.

Throughout BoJack's fifth outing, the writing is as intelligent and grounded as ever, with lead Will Arnett in particular raising the bar and bringing the material to life as only he could.

The main issue with the season (and, honestly, it's easy to forgive when the writing is this good), is that it doesn't allow BoJack to develop as much as he had in previous seasons. Having ending on something of a high in season four, season five sees BoJack stuck in the same old rut, not properly growing as season four seemed to tease he would.

As I say, it's easy to forgive, but does let the season down as a whole.

Best Episodes: Free Churro, Ancient History, The Showstopper, The Stopped Show


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.