Breaking Bad: 10 Best Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode

4. The Unnamed Boy (Peekabo)

Breaking Bad Hugo

It's no fresh take to say that Jesse Pinkman had one of the most engrossing character arcs in TV history. Seeing him go from an obnoxious drug dealer to a well-rounded person stuck in a life of crime was mesmerising, and his dynamic with this unnamed kid was a major landmark in that journey.

In one of the show's darkest episodes (which is saying a lot), Jesse rocked up to the house of a dangerous meth head named Spooge, who had stolen goods and money from Skinny Pete. Pinkman came with a gun and the intention of getting his stuff back but found the house empty, save for a deprived looking boy.

Jesse and this unfortunate youngster then bonded quickly before his parents returned. Afterwards came the infamous climax where Spooge's lady crushed his head with an ATM, and Jesse left, urging the kid to "have a good rest of your life".

This role was so simple but did so much. He showed the dramatic impact addiction could have on a family, explored poverty and showed a deeper, more caring side of Jesse.

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