Breaking Bad: 10 Best Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode

3. Hugo Archilleya (Crazy Handful Of Nothin')

Breaking Bad Hugo

When you've watched a lot of Breaking Bad, you get pretty used to seeing Walter screw over well-meaning people. It's essentially the basis of the entire show. Still, this early moment from the show's inaugural season was one of the first, and it stung worse than a nest of hornets.

"Crazy Handful Of Nothin'" saw the arrival and departure of this kind-natured man. As the janitor for JP Wynne High School, he acted as a positive figure for the physically ill Mr White, cleaning up after him and even offering him gum after a vomit session. Overall, he was sweet and caring.

However, Hugo was soon suspected of stealing the chemistry equipment Walter had swiped, which led to his car getting searched. Although he was found innocent of thievery, poor Hugo got arrested thanks to a small bag of marijuana in his possession, resulting in him getting fired from the school.

It was a heartbreakingly unjust moment and served as an early example of Walter's willingness to sacrifice others to save his hide.

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