Breaking Bad: 10 Best Musical Moments

1. "Stay Out Of My Territory." - TV On The Radio, 'DLZ' One of the first deadly badass moments in the rise of Heisenberg, 'Over' ended with Walt approaching a pair of amateur cooks, declaring, "Stay out of my territory." It was a moment that would signify a change in his character, and it was underscored by the brilliant TV On The Radio. 'DLZ' is everything that is great about Breaking Bad; it's mean-sounding, fiercely intelligent, high-functioning and intricate; it's eerie and snarling, yet at its heart is a gleeful melody that makes the song so appealing. As Walt stepped forward to claim his territory, it felt like this song was revving up; it's a subtly explosive moment in the show, and it's a turning point, so using TV On The Radio was a masterstroke. It was the sound of what this man was about to become. And it's a scary sound to hear. What was your favourite song in the Breaking Bad soundtrack? Which one do you feel fitted the action best? Comment below!

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.