Breaking Bad: 12 Best Cult Heroes

8. Jane Margolis

Of all the early events that marked Walt's descent into darkness, Jane's Season 2 death was the most shocking. A cool, aloof, often dismissive character played by the wonderful Krysten Ritter, she was the perfect counterpoint to the outspoken Jesse. The pair shared a brief but passionate romance, during which Jane threatened to ruin Walt's entire operation by convincing Jesse to run away to New Zealand together. In a moment which would come to define Walt's dubious moral code, he allowed Jane to die by refusing to turn her onto her side, allowing her to choke on her own vomit. It was a horrible fate, one which also cruelly snatched away Jesse's chance of a happy ending, and one of the series' most truly dark moments. The fact that no character similar to Jane appeared throughout the rest of the series is crucial in regard to her cult hero status. Even Jesse's next girlfriend, Andrea, was very deliberately different to Jane - both visually and in terms of personality. She was a striking character from her first appearance, an effect only heightened by her early death.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.