Breaking Bad: 5 Characters We Expect To Bite the Bullet And 5 We Really Hope Won’t

3. Walt Jr.

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There are probably some people who agree with me. But I think that Walt Jr. should survive to see the destruction his father has brought about. You see, Walt Jr. is, arguably, the least developed main character of the series. Walt Jr. hasn€™t been let in on Walt€™s violent alter ego. He€™s done little to question anything that€™s occurred throughout the series short of throwing the odd tantrum. He has had some poignant moments. But I think R. J. Mitte deserves a chance to show us some serious acting chops before all is said and done. And here is the perfect chance. If Skyler and Walt both bite the bullet, he will likely be left in the rubble as a surrogate father for Holly. How heart-wrenching would it be to see him deal with that? This combined with Marie€™s circumstances (as predicted earlier) could be a real strong illustration of the damage Walt has done. Walt J. and Marie need to live because we need to see the emotional wreckage Walt leaves behind. Plus they€™re both total innocents. We don€™t want to see them go.

2. Saul

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Now this is the only entry that I€™ve made for entirely superficial reasons. You see I think that Saul should live because the character is entertaining. Yes he€™s a scumbag lawyer. Yes he€™s helped make all of this death and destruction possible. Do we care? No we don€™t. He€™s funny. Saul is a character who seems too detached from all the madness. He hasn€™t ever been in the thick of the action. He€™s easily the biggest comic relief of the show and has hardly been developed. Sure killing him would elicit a response from heartbroken fans. But who could they possibly want to turn us against? Walt is already as unlikeable as he€™s going to get. It seems that Saul should be allowed to live solely to preserve the most light-hearted aspect of the show, the humour. Plus Gilligan has been teasing us with the prospect of Saul getting a spin-off show. If Saul dies and we get a prequel series, it will be far too sombre to be an effective comedy.

Matthew Murray is an 19 year old film student in New Zealand. He is addicted to music, movies, gaming and television and spends his time feeding the obsession! When he is not writing about these things, he is lining up for these things, talking to people about these things and sitting around dreaming about these things.