Breaking Bad: 5 Loose Threads The Finale Left Hanging

4. Did Huell Ever Get Out Of The Safe House?

Breaking Bad Huell

One of the most obvious dangling threads left by the series end was the fate of Huell, sleazy lawyer Saul Goodman's former bodyguard, who was left in an undisclosed location after being interrogated by Hank and Gomez and told not to leave the room under any circumstances. Of course, then both Hank and Gomez were both brutally murdered by Uncle Jack's crew of Nazis in "Ozymandias". And, in their desire to keep the whole "Get Heisenberg" investigation off the radar, they didn't inform their superiors where they were headed, or that they had a suspect in custody.

So poor Huell floats in a kind of limbo, an endless purgatory of waiting. Even if he does somehow muster up the courage to venture outside of the safe house, where's he going to go? His boss is currently deep in hiding somewhere in Nebraska, so he can't go back to his job. Most likely, he will be picked up eventually by investigators once someone realizes his connection to Walter White, with whom he has intimate connections.

Not only did he help to bury Walt's money in the desert, he got to lie on it like a mattress when it was still in the storage locker. Huell's wealth of inside knowledge about Walter, as well as the huge amount of dirt he must have on the sordid Saul Goodman, will be more than enough to keep the big man out of jail. That is, if he ever decides to leave the room. Your move, Huell.

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Hi there, What Culture-ers! I'm William Graff, a 40-year old freelance writer from the wilds of Capitol Hill in beautiful Denver, Colorado. I enjoy many things such as beer, Doctor Who, The Simpsons, record collecting, stand-up comedy, long aimless walks, and of course the Broncos, which is required by law if you live here. I appreciate all feedback for my writing, but I prefer cash and/or deleted Smiths singles in lieu of praise. Rock on!