Breaking Bad: 5 Reasons Why Ozymandias Is The Greatest Episode Yet

4. Everything Walt Has Done Is For Nothing

Breaking Bad Walt And Jesse I, like many others, felt that Walt would come away from his years of drug dealing, murdering and torturing with a ton of cash and a new life with his vulnerable family. However, the back-up that he called (then subsequently dismissed) - formed by Todd, Walt's former meth cooking protege, and his uncle's crew - stole all but one barrel full of cash which Walt buried in a set of very specific co-ordinates. Is a broken family, the guilt of murdering a number of people and betraying some dear friends worth just $11million? I think not. So in some way, justice has already been done. Walt was evidently saddened by the loss of his former friend and brother-in-law Hank, enough so that the loss of money barely fazed him. This iconic moment showed that family matters more than money - period. After his car broke down shortly after leaving the scene of the crime due to a bullet in the fuel tank, he was forced to roll a barrel and proceeded to buy an old truck for $5,000. It remains to be seen whether Walt goes after Todd and his uncle Jack in order to gain back his five other barrels and take revenge for the murders of Schrader and Gomez (see #1). This is the most likely outcome.

University student at UEA, Norwich. Breaking Bad junkie, MMA fan and long time admirer of Gatusso's beard.