Breaking Bad: 5 Reasons Why Ozymandias Is The Greatest Episode Yet

2. Walt Tells Jesse About Jane

Breaking Bad Jesse2 Jane's death was in the back of many people's minds, and I for one thought Jesse would never find out the truth about how it happened. However Walt revealed to a helpless Jesse, whilst being dragged away by Todd's men, that he could have easily stopped his ex-girlfriend from overdosing, but opted not to. The manner in which he said it, with no remorse, was particularly enthralling. After Walt revealed that he poisioned Brock, Jesse pointed a gun at his head. After revealing a previous action which was far worse, Pinkman could do nothing physical and helplessly spat in Heisenberg's emotionless face. Todd decides against killing Jesse in order to try and get information out of him after he was key to Hank and Steve's attempted arrest of Walt. He then forces a battered and bruised Pinkman to begin cooking meth, which is most likely in order to meet Lydia's demands of a purer product than the one which Todd has produced in the past. This sets up a very intriguing final couple of episodes with Jesse full of vendetta and Walter remorseless. Pinkman will have to get out of this sticky situation first, and find the new identity of Mr. White.

University student at UEA, Norwich. Breaking Bad junkie, MMA fan and long time admirer of Gatusso's beard.