Breaking Bad: 5 Reasons Why Ozymandias Is The Greatest Episode Yet

1. "My Name Is ASAC Hank Schrader, And You Can Go F--k Yourself"

Breaking Bad Dead Hank Simply incredible. Who saw that coming?! Hank was expected to be a main part of the season finale, but his demise came when Walt's backup shot the expressionless DEA Agent after killing his partner Gomez shortly before. This scene was the greatest in the show's history and featured one of the best lines to date, from Agent Schrader himself. After taking several bullets and losing mobility, in conjunction with losing his partner and best friend Agent Gomez moments before, Hank became virtually fearless and, with Walt trying to stop Jack and his crew from shooting him, delivered this gem.
"You're the smartest man I know, but you're too stupid to realise that he made up his mind 10 minutes ago."
Hank was then decapitated, leaving Heisenberg in disarray. As mentioned in #4, the death of his brother-in-law had such an overwhelming impact on the usually emotionless Walt that he barely cared about losing the millions of dollars he built up from producing methylamine. Even now, I am in awe of the writing team that created this jaw-dropping scene. When Hank was given a chance to beg for mercy and Walt seemed to convince the gunmen not to kill his "family member", it seemed like Schrader would be spared his life. A very different fate was sealed shortly after. What do you think about Ozymandias? Was it worth the perfect 10? And do you agree with the above five reasons?

University student at UEA, Norwich. Breaking Bad junkie, MMA fan and long time admirer of Gatusso's beard.