Breaking Bad: 9 Poor Story Choices

9. Walter's Transformation Into Heisenberg Isn't Believable

Lets get the big one out of the way first. Walter White starts the show as a loving family man who receives a devastating diagnosis of lung cancer. So what does he do upon receiving this news? He hooks up with one of his former pupils to cook meth, of course. This isn€™t the unbelievable part, however, and nor is much of Walter€™s story. At a push his ruthless ways, his murdering and his lies can be accepted. But what simply cannot be accepted is the fact that Walter began cooking meth to secure the financial future of his wife and children, and in doing so completely alienates them come the shows climax. Even after Skyler gets in on the action, Walter transforms into someone who barely resembles the man he started out as. And yes, similar things have happened in real life. However the time frame of Breaking Bad means that Walter turns from school teacher and family man to a murderer and near child killer in a matter of months. Surely his desperation for money wouldn€™t allow him to alter so drastically in such a limited period of time? It€™s a transformation which wouldn't at all be possible and as such becomes hard to believe. Had the show's story occurred over several years then yes, it would have been entirely believable. But in the pilot Walter exhibits little confidence or determination; he would not be able to change that much that quickly. Even if his criminality can be accepted, the fact that he alienates his wife and children completely renders all of his crimes pointless. In the final episode he supposedly dies with Skylar and Walter Jr despising him and there is no guarantees that his money will reach them. Surely a better way to spend his final months would have been in the arms of his loving family rather than destroying them completely. However, that would have made for dreary TV. Walter exhibits zero dark or murderous tendencies in the show's pilot, but come the final episode his kill total stands at an impressive 187 and counting. That€™s a bit of a stretch, right?
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English Language and Literature graduate. Creative Writing student. Aspiring creative and professional writer.