Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Best Characters Only In One Episode

6. Kyle Murphy

Brooklyn Nine Nine Jess New Girl

When Holt is threatened by Seamus, the head of the Murphy crime family, the Nine-Nine looked for any way to stop him. This involved Peralta and Boyle going undercover within the organisation to get information, and the key to getting in was Seamus’ nephew, Kyle.

Played by Mike Mitchell, the character was the supposed weak link of the family, and he immediately lived up to expectations. The dim witted would be criminal befriended Peralta and Boyle, or Fabien and Marco, only for them to realise he was told nothing about the family business because he was too incompetent, and lost his uncle's car.

The man who somehow has a picture of himself on a roller coaster on his driving licence took six years to graduate high school, and genuinely believed Boyle knew his name because they were so connected. His whole apartment was even filled with lamps because he accidentally ordered 100 lamps instead of one, and they only give you a six month return window.

The character is truly dumb and painfully oblivious to everything going on around him, but at no point does he ever stop smiling. He's a lovable idiot that unknowingly helped save Holt and the Nine-Nine.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.