Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Best Episodes Ranked

2. Safe House

Brooklyn Nine Nine

This episode arguably has more laugh-out-load moments than any other 99 episode - the obvious highlight being Jake and Kevin pretending to be "perverts" in order to remain undetected at the Library.

The look on their faces combined with their creepy moustaches and 'pervy' dialogue is classic 99. The line "What is the bandwidth on the WIFI here? we have much content to stream", will never not be funny.

The development of Jake and Kevin's relationship was brilliantly done. Kevin finally giving in a resigning himself to watching the entirety of Nicolas Cage's back catalogue is hilarious as well. This is made even better when he is able to recognise quotes and references from those movies, at which points, you can literally see the shame and hurt in his face.

There is also the added dimension Holt's over the top security precautions that require Jake and Kevin to crawl on the floor throughout the day. He attempts to defend his decisions by carrying out an elaborate role play of Jake telling him about Kevin's sudden and unexpected death. The writing in this scene is brilliant and is set off perfectly by Holt's emotionless monotone.

The final line in particular will never fail to make you laugh as the captain snaps fingers, declaring: “and I've killed myself".


Daniel Matthews hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.