Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Most Hated Supporting Characters

2. The Vulture

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Jason Stentley

You know that someone who goes by the nickname of 'The Vulture' has to be bad news, and Detective Pembroke more than earned such a name. To begin with, his ego and his way of stealing cases right at the last minute were irritating, but he became far worse as the series went on.

When he replaced Captain Dozerman as the 99th precinct's new Commanding Officer, he openly admitted to the squad that he would make their lives difficult for them. He didn't like them because of previous encounters, and he abused his power to get one over on them.

He put in petty rules, and didn't allow Jake and Amy to progress with their romantic relationship, but worst of all was that he was a sexist. He put Rosa and Amy on party planning duty just because they were women, and who knows how many women he cheated on throughout his life.

One such unlucky woman was his fiancé Jean. He deceived her into thinking he was a nice guy and she even agreed to marry him, all the while he was on dating apps behind her back. He even blackmailed Jake and Amy into keeping his secret so they could have their dream wedding venue back. The Vulture was an arrogant, sexist douchebag, who would have been top of this list had it not been for someone very special...


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.