Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Worst Characters Who Appeared After Season 1
5. Genevieve Mirren-Carter
Charles Boyle certainly has a way with women, doesn't he? Even if it's not the right way more times than not, it's nice to know that he found someone just as creepily inept as he is when it comes to social situations. The problem is, she doesn't come off as charming or endearing to fans as Boyle, most likely because we don't see enough of her to clasp onto her character. When we do, she's normally saying some extremely perplexing - when not outright uncomfortable - sexual innuendos.
It's a shame that the character didn't have much more to her than this sole trademark, because in essence, her oblivious nature to certain things seems like a character trait that could've made her a mainstay in the long run. Added to that, her interactions with squad members outside of Charles Boyle gave off the vibe that she had a healthy friendship with most.
The majority of what makes her a bad character is just underdevelopment. Admittedly, the vile sex talk she spews out from time to time is extensively cringe-inducing rather than humourous, but when Terry, Holt and Rosa's relationships were substantially developed, it seems like a missed opportunity to not bring Genevieve to permeation, if not prominence.