Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Worst Characters Who Appeared After Season 1

4. Jason "C.J." Stentley

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Kate Peralta

Whereas most viewers in a lot of different countries - especially the UK - tend to find this guy more habitually infuriating than a charismatic, lovable s**t for brains, C.J. does seem to adhere adeptly to certain sensibilities of US humour.

Yet again, you have to question what is going on within the NYPD when this guy is at the rank of commissioner, but what's more perplexing is the necessitation that the creators felt for bringing him into the fray. A lot of his humour is derived from accidentally doing things correctly despite being severely miscast in his role, and with its unnoteworthy one-note nature, it incenses the audience more than it makes them laugh.

He, on his own, isn't a comedic personality; nor does he have a personality for that matter. The idea in theory is that of a cop with the incompetency of a yet-to-develop child. This seems like it has potential on the surface, but in execution the character is nothing more than a wind-up toy that has been programmed with a small amount of phrases, who ironically winds up the audience in the process.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: