Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best (So Far)

4. Season Four

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

It's difficult to pinpoint a weakness in Brooklyn Nine-Nine's masterful fourth outing, but if there was a skippable episode it would probably be Serve and Protect, which finds Jake at his most uncharacteristically manipulated, or Skyfire Cycle, which is let down by a seriously detestable series of supporting players.

Those aside, though, season four is pretty damn spotless, and is bookended by two of the show's most inspired and entertaining three-parters.

Watching Jake and Holt try to survive together in witness protection is nothing but a blast, and having Jake and Rosa framed for armed robbery and sent to prison is still one of the series' most unsuspecting plot twists.

Between these two great storylines lay a steady stream of brilliant standalone adventures, from the mostly dramatic Moo Moo and the alcohol-fuelled insanity of Cop-Con.

There's an awful lot in season four to love, and by this point in the show's run it's in perfect control of its tone and characters. But still, Brooklyn Nine-Nine finds a way to top itself.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other