Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Moments Buffy Was An Absolute Badass

6. "Death Is Your Gift"

Buffy the Vampire Slayer I'm the thing monster have nightmares about

Onto another season finale episode, this time in the form of The Gift from season five.

Despite stopping, Glory a hell dimension has still been opened that will rip apart the world. Dawn's death is the only thing that can close the portal and save the world. But wait, "Death is your gift". Those words ring throughout Buffy's mind.

After meeting the first Slayer and being told that her "gift" was death. Buffy was left questioning herself. She never wanted her gift to the world to be death. What kind of gift is that. That was right until this moment, seeing the portal, knowing Dawn's blood is the only thing capable of closing it. So many realisations happen for Buffy. Her gift of death is so she can save the world and Dawn, not one centred around killing. Buffy and Dawn share the same blood, Summers blood, meaning Dawn doesn't have to die to save the world.

With this, Buffy gives a beautiful speech to Dawn, so heart wrenching it could bring a tear to even the coldest of hearts, especially the line, "You have to be strong. Dawn, the hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live... for me" - and with that Buffy dives into the hell portal, sacrificing her life and saving the entire world.

You can't get any more badass than that.


Sean Lawson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.