Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Moments Buffy Was An Absolute Badass

3. "Oh Look, A Bad Guy"

Buffy the Vampire Slayer I'm the thing monster have nightmares about
Mutant Enemy

Jumping from season one's first episode to its final episode, Prophecy Girl.

It's a rough time for Buffy at Sunnydale High, vampires have massacred a group of students, The Master is getting close to unleashing the Hellmouth, and Buffy learns that she is going to die fighting The Master. So yeah, it's a crappy time for Buffy.

But it's her duty as a Slayer to take on the forces of evil, even if it costs her life doing so. Sadly, it does. The Master has a hypnotic power over Buffy that he uses to one-up her, taking a bite of her flesh before leaving her body to drown in the shallow waters of the sewers. Ew.

Thankfully Xander and Angel come to Buffy's rescue, resurrecting her, along with a new fighting spirit. We get the epic line, "Oh look, a bad guy" as Buffy takes down a vampire while barely moving a muscle. Then we get the fantastic final fight between Buffy and The Master on the school rooftop.

Buffy is now stronger, confident and ready to give this old vamp his comeuppance. We get Buffy delivering the phenomenal, "You're that amped about Hell? Go there!" before tossing him over her shoulder like a sack of spuds straight down on a broken table, staking him and turning him into a very plastic-looking skeleton.


Sean Lawson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.