Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Most Underused Characters

2. Oz

Sunday Buffy
Mutant Enemy

Yes, Oz was a main character, and yes, he had a interesting arc complete with a sweet, endlessly lovable romance with Willow. He played in a band; he was immeasurably cool; and he was a werewolf.

But Oz, as a whole, did very little through seasons two, three and four of the show. His relationship with Willow notwithstanding, Oz was quiet, dryly sarcastic and intelligent, but offered little to the bigger storylines of the series.

Oz's impact on the show was so underwhelming despite his massive likability that Seth Green asked to be written out because he didn't think Oz worked as a main character.

His potential really speaks for itself. A werewolf with a knack for socialising and an uncanny ability to get along with everyone in school, his lycanthropy was kind of pushed under the carpet during seasons three and four, until he left town in worry that his condition would get his friends and Willow hurt.

More insight into his werewolf side would have been awesome, and though his departure led to the iconic Willow-Tara romance, it really was a shame to see him go given how much more interesting he could have been.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.