Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Worst Things Spike Ever Did

7. Led Harmony On

Buffy the vampire slayer
Mutant Enemy

Spike’s brief, tumultuous relationship with the recently vampirised Harmony Kendall is played almost exclusively for laughs. Indeed of all the prominent characters on Buffy and Angel, Harmony is given less depth than most - she’s Cordelia without the character development, and as such is ripe for a laugh at her expense, be it based on her ditziness or her one sided romance with Spike.

They get together in season four, and from the off it’s clear Harmony’s desire for a genuine relationship is not reciprocated. Spike is flighty and unreliable, and infuriatingly bent on murdering the slayer. Things only get worse when he becomes infatuated with Buffy beyond a desire to murder her. He imagines he’s with his former nemesis while sleeping with Harmony, and strings the genuinely lovelorn vampire along to indulge his fantasy.

Harmony’s a fun character and Mercedes McNab one of the show’s more gifted comedic actors, but Harmony deserves better (this would have been a hashtag had the show been made 10 years later). Then there’s the whole age gap thing, but in the Buffy world that’s not a thread you want to pull.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)