Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Worst Things Spike Ever Did

6. All Round Poseur Tendencies

Buffy the vampire slayer

While it can hardly compare to some of the more vicious acts in Spike’s locker, one particularly objectionable part of the character is his poseur tendencies. While one can hardly begrudge Spike for changing things up once he became a vampire, the speed with which he reinvented himself simply outs him as a tryhard and a faker.

William Pratt the human wasn’t far off a Victorian Niles Crane, penning poems and dreaming of bettering himself socially. He was fey and soft spoken, lacking in confidence. He was vampirised in 1880. Later that same year, we see him speaking in an affected working class London accent, with a put on swagger to match.

Spike is a trend hopper - he boasts of being present at Woodstock, then later jumps on the punk bandwagon in the late ‘70s. He claims Billy Idol stole his look, though it could easily be the other way around. (In fairness he maintains this aesthetic for the remainder of the show, settling into vampiric middle age.)

He’s a Londoner who supports Manchester United - that says it all, really.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)