Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Ranking Every Major Death Worst To Best

14. Kendra Young

Joyce Summers Death Buffy
Mutant Enemy Productions

Kendra was a young Slayer called to arms after the first, brief death of Buffy Summers. Completely by the book and committed to her destiny, she and Buffy initially got off on the wrong foot, until they were forced to work together to take on Spike and Drusilla.

Dodgy accent aside, Kendra was a great character who allowed Buffy to have a new superhero best friend to share the battlefield with. Thus, this made Kendra's Season Two death at the hands of Drusilla all the more traumatic, as it not only proved that Dru was a lot more than just a crazed vampire, but it also cemented the fact that Buffy really was alone in her fight against Angelus.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.