Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Ranking Every Major Death Worst To Best

17. The Anointed One

Joyce Summers Death Buffy
Mutant Enemy

The Anointed One (or Collin, or the Annoying One) was always a character who was kind of... just there.

Not really doing anything of note, the Anointed One was quiet, wooden, and said to be the Master's "great warrior". Though he aided in bringing about Buffy's first death, the vampire's role thereafter was limited to being a kid and wannabe big-time villain.

In Season Two, the Anointed One aligned himself with Spike and Drusilla, only for Spike to get sick of his antics and burn him to death in the sunlight.

Collin was a terrible character, but boy was his death satisfying.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.