Burn Notice: 4 Reasons Why It’s Right To End

3. The Story


There are only so many times Michael can rejoin and then leave the CIA. The first four seasons of the show dealt with Michael trying to find out why he was burned and his journey to rejoin the CIA, with whom he works in the fifth until Michael is framed for killing a colleague, before returning to work for the CIA, then being hunted by them and now into the seventh season where he began as an undercover agent for the CIA. There were only so many stories Matt Nix can tell about Michael Westen and he has done incredibly well with what he had at his disposal regarding Michael's burn notice, but in my mind there is no plausible way an eighth season could exist, especially after what has happened during season seven. Michael has got the guy, and who system, behind his burning, cleared his name on many occasions over several crimes, there is little left for him to do.
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Burn Notice
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I am an aspiring writer and film critic, recently graduated from the University of Exeter with a BA in Film Studies. I spend my free time developing my square eyes watching films and television, reading novels and playing football. You can contact me at sa.whittaker@hotmail.co.uk.