Casting The Star Trek: Enterprise Reboot

10. Thy'lek Shran - Robert Carlyle

Enterprise Neeson

The Andorians were explored as a race in Enterprise, realized fantastically with Jeffrey Combs as Commander Shran. While there has been a tendency to keep Combs in these reboot lists, we feel that this time a change is warranted. Robert Carlyle needs little introduction and would make for a compelling anti-hero in this series.

He has experience in both television and film dating back decades. A highly expressive actor, Carlyle has been a fantasy monster, a psychopathic addict, the leader of an all-male strip show and a shadowy doctor in the far reaches of the universe. The man has seen it all and it is easy to picture him taking no nonsense from Archer or Soval.

If this reboot is sticking with the new aesthetic that Star Trek Discovery as established, then it is easy to picture the horned forehead below the antennae atop Carlyle's head. There is enough expression in that face to reach the back row. There is no better man in our mind for the Andorian soldier. Plus, who doesn't want to hear the Scottish accent in Star Trek again?


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick