Castlevania Final Season Review: 6 Ups And 3 Downs

5. Up: The Addition Of Malcolm McDowell

Castlevania Alucard Trevor Sypha Season 4

Compared to previous seasons, there aren't that many new characters added to the show in Season Four. Titus Welliver is enjoying himself as the brutal Ratko and Marsha Thomason makes good use of her minimal screen time as Greta.

However, it is Malcolm McDowell's work as the parasitic Varney that is most significant here. McDowell's iconic croak is instantly recognisable and he chews scenery as the primary schemer in Dracula's resurrection.

At first, it can seem weird that a supposed close confidante of Dracula's inner circle has never been mentioned or seen before but Castlevania subverts expectations and makes all become clear by the end.

To say the best things about McDowell's participation would divulge into spoilers a little too much, but it is safe to say that everything the character does manages to land brilliantly and the veteran actor is exceptional throughout. Varney is a highlight of the final season and when it is all over, he will be one of the biggest lasting impressions.

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Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.