Celebrating Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary: 50 Pivotal Story Arcs

1. The Day Of The Doctor

Day Of The Doctor1 A few days ago I could have not imagined that the story celebrating the anniversary could itself top this list. Even though we were indeed promised a plot that was game-changing, I had a lot of doubts, as many of you might recall. Whether we love or hate the outcome, the reintroduction of Gallifrey and the plot-twisting revelation that things are not as we have always known them to be, combined with now giving the Doctor the task to find (as opposed to run away from) his home, is a fundamental change of direction with consequences that not only impact how we perceive Modern Who, but ripple outward affecting the Doctor's entire journey. As if that were not enough, it also fleshed out a brand new Doctor in the gap between Classic Who and Modern Who, shed light on the Last Great Time War itself, updated our mental picture of Gallifrey and tied up a couple of other loose threads, including why the Doctor is not better equipped to help his other selves when they get together. There you have it. Fifty pivotal story arcs, one for every year since that first opening drumbeat. Whether as small as a new companion climbing abroad or heading off the TARDIS or as grand as a complete shift in narrative structure, each of them in some way changing the adventures of the world's most beloved time-travelling space alien. This list also, much to my surprise, features nearly every companion, and contains a narrative picture of each Doctor along the way. There are many, many great stories omitted from the preceding list. I look forward to your comments about the equally grand adventures that missed my cut along the way. What would your top ten look like?
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Doctor Who
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A person who thought a lot, then decided thinking with other people is more fun. If you fancy a chat, feel free to email NicoleatWhatCulture@excite.com