Community: 10 Best Guest Stars

5. George Takei

Community John Goodman
Sony Pictures Television

George Takei comes into Community as a voiceover only, but it's a good one.

Takei appeared in the sixth episode of Community's second season, titled Epidemiology. The episode follows a Halloween party in the library of Greendale that turns when The Dean gets some bad 'taco meat' from an army surplus store that turns everyone into zombies.

Takei narrates the intro to the episode and then comes back in at the end to narrate the ending and include a special gift for anyone watching named Kevin. A message for their voicemails saying "Hi, Kevin can't come to the phone. He's on a spaceship with me, George Takei. Please leave a message."

While not a guest star in the traditional sense, Takei's narration adds a humour to the episode that goes well with Community's strange and occasionally nonsensical vibe.

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