Community: 10 Best Troy Barnes Moments

1. His Football Conversation With Jeff

Community Troy Barnes
Sony Pictures Television

This moment is a classic. In the 6th episode of the show's first season, Troy was a very different character to the one he would become. He was still the high school jock, he still cared about football and he hadn't found his soulmate in Abed yet.

Who he is is shown hilariously in an exchange he has with Jeff. Jeff is trying to convince him to keep going with football as he needs him to in order to save his own career. The exchange is:

"I'm saying you're a football player! It's in your blood!"
"That's racist."
"Your soul!"
"That's racist."
"Your eyes?"
"That's gay?"
"That's homophobic."
"That's Black."
"That's racist!"

The whole exchange is hilarious, with Troy getting turned around during it. It has the beginning of Troy's simple nature coming through. Troy is inadvertently racist himself, rendering the whole conversation void, as neither person has made any kind of point.

Community set up as it meant to go on and, while the characters grew and the show became more surreal, the humour that would make the show so beloved is present right from the off. This exchange shows exactly that.

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