Community: 10 Best Troy Barnes Moments

2. "Notches"

Community Troy Barnes
Sony Pictures Television

Another great moment appears in the opening to the same episode. While the group are talking about Joe Biden coming and the student government, Annie talks about ways to improve the school. Jeff replies to this with:

"Improving Greendale takes more than ideas, Annie. it takes time, gasoline, matches."

Abed laughs at this and scores a tally under the table entitled 'Classic Wingers'.

Annie then says:

"Well newsflash Jeff, some of us care about more than fixing our hair or sculpting our abs"

To which Jeff, continuing the joke, scores in a similar tally, entitled 'Ab Mentions'.

The joke is brought full circle when Britta talks about not shutting up to appease the masses and Troy pulls out a key to score the table. Troy, however, has a simpler tally. His tally is called 'Notches', marking out the exact amount of notches he has made on the table.

It's a simple, dumb joke, playing once more into Troy's simpler character. His notches tally is meaningless and messy, but it makes sense to him. Everyone else is making notches, so why doesn't he? The notches joke is one of the funniest Troy moments and sticks out among the many cold opens of the show.

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