Community: 10 Best Troy Barnes Moments

5. Meeting LeVar Burton

Community Troy Barnes
Sony Pictures Television

Troy meets LeVar Burton twice in Community, but the first time is by far one of the funniest Troy moments. In a documentary-style episode that Abed films wile Pierce is in hospital Burton appears. The episode revolves around Pierce telling the group he is dying, and bequeathing gifts on to them that seem nice at first, but have been designed to mess with them instead.

Troy's gift is meeting LeVar Burton, one of his childhood heroes. However, Troy is terrified of meeting Burton, saying he only wanted a signed photo as you can't disappoint a picture.

This fear of disappointing him leads Troy to speechlessness, simply staring at Burton as he tries to talk to him. There are a few moments that show Troy's love of Burton and fear of disappointing him (Troy crying in the bathroom and singing the theme tune to Reading Rainbows is a particularly strong moment) and, as a result, the whole episode is hilarious because of Troy's wide-eyed silent stare and secret bathroom crying fits.

Burton ends up coming back in Troy's final episode but by that point, Troy can speak to him and the humour of his silent stare is gone. Still, the first episode is by far one of Troy's funniest moments in the whole show.

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