Community: 10 Best Troy Barnes Moments

3. His Newscaster Nickname

Community Troy Barnes
Sony Pictures Television

Troy Barnes has no nickname. He is not known by anything else in the series. Except once.

In the episode Intro to Political Science, the Dean decides to hold an election to vote in a Student Body President to welcome then Vice President Joe Biden. Accompanying this, Troy and Abed act as commentators on the whole situation.

While they're filming they introduce themselves. Abed Nadir and Troy "Butt Soup" Barnes. The name itself isn't that funny. It's dumb and worth a chuckle, but it's not hilarious. What is funny is Troy's own reaction. He looks off camera to someone questioning him and, while giggling, goes:

"What? It's my name."

Troy is so proud of himself and finds his own nickname so funny.

It speaks back to sleepovers with your friends as a kid, where someone would say something incredibly dumb and everyone would find it hilarious. This is the mindset that Troy is in all the time, and seeing him laugh so much at his own nickname - a nickname he has given himself which makes no sense - speaks to his childlike nature in a funny and lighthearted way.

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Consumer of visual media, attempted writer