Community: 10 Most Cringeworthy Moments
5. Every Interaction Between Pierce And (fat) Neil - Advanced Dungeons And Dragons
Wincing is a word that best sums up the ubiquitous, unrelenting full frontal assault of cringe throughout the entirety of this episode. Even if it is one of the most quintessential viewing experiences in all of Community's library, you're going to feel seriously uncomfortable when watching the exchanges that involve Pierce increasingly becoming more detestable, if not outright antagonistic towards a very depressed, innocent and rather fragile young man in (fat) Neil.
Even if it is also hilarious. Don't worry, you're not a bad person. We all laughed.
After Pierce discovers that he's been left out of a game of Dungeons and Dragons - which he allegedly didn't even want to play anyway - he begins misdirecting all of his contempt and hate toward Neil, assuming that he's trying to steal away his friends who didn't invite him to the game. Paradoxical, it is.
It soon turns into an all-out war, with Neil growing increasingly upset as it goes on, and Pierce essentially just rubbing his face in the dirt at every chance. The real discomfort, though, grows through the intensity of the scenario, as we've already been enlightened to Neil's suicidal state of mind and Pierce - who is also aware of this - continues to push him down the path with every disgusting insult he throws at him.
It's painful viewing, but it certainly speaks to the dark side of humour in all of us.