Community: 10 Most Cringeworthy Moments

4. The Darkest Timeline Doppelgangers - Advanced Introduction To Finality

Community TV Show

Season 4 strikes again, and despite History 101 containing some of the most dated jokes that were dated even then, the reintroduction of the darkest timeline doppelgangers, which is a brilliant callback to utilise, is far from exceptional in execution. If anything it's actually one of the most mundane, inane and insanely poor episodes in TV history.

Using references like The Matrix that have been outdated for decades and giving half of the characters no reason for even being involved in the episode, or the doppelgangers to appear for that matter, the whole affair just feels like a filler episode rather than something that actually occurred.

These high concept episodes were clearly out of the depth of the writers for season 4, and this episode itself proves that in spades. Everything that happens outside of the darkest timeline doppelgangers is probably just as cringe-inducing too, as none of it has even a sliver of memorability. In fact, it's so forgettable that most people reading this are likely trying to recall just what this episode is, and whether it actually existed or not.

It does. It shouldn't. But it does.

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: