Community: 10 Worst Characters Who Appeared After Season One

8. Buzz Hickey

Magnitude Community
Sony Pictures Television

Played by: Johnathan Banks

The most shameful part about Buzz Hickey becoming a character in the series is not that he had the arduous task of replacing Chevy Chase's politically incorrect joke machine, Pierce. Instead, it's more rooted in the idea that Hickey had all the makings of an extremely memorable character on paper, but not a lot of development to entice viewers.

On the surface, he sounds like an intensely intimidating presence, almost akin to a version of Seymour Skinner that never lost his integrity or aggression. His wildly unpredictable nature could've made for some exceptional comedic premises and, being the first person to challenge Abed's unabashed lack of empathy for other people, it seemed everything was going to fall into place with this one.

Then season 6 occurred, and he disappeared.

He went from allegedly being a member of staff that no one had seen for the first 4 seasons, to appearing as a mainstay in the fifth season with entire plots centred around him as a character and then in season 6, they passively mention that he used to work there in a single line of dialogue.

There's no explanation, there's no justification, there's no contemplation, just aggravation.

Hopefully, there were two sounds in that studio the day they decided to write him out.

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: