Community: 15 Best Ever Episodes

5. Season 2 Episode 21 - Paradigms Of Human Memory

Community Epidemiology

Clip shows episodes of sitcoms often act as an excuse to take the audiences through memory lane, as well as re-use old footage of previous better episodes.

They're the skipped entries in a binge watch, and thankfully Community writers knew this and used it as an opportunity to not only give viewers never-before seen clips, but completely fictionalized clips with very little context.

The clip show is triggered when Annie's Boobs (the name of Troy's monkey from a previous episode) is discovered along with a treasure trove of trinkets thought to have gone missing. As the Study Group rifles through the mementos, they recall some incredibly absurd days out.

From a canoeing trip on St. Patrick's Day to an incident where Mexican drug lords are about to execute Pierce, there have been adventures in the Study Group's lives that were never seen. It's hilarious to think of, and it's clear the writers had fun concocting the wild reasons and scenarios.

The episode recreates several episodes, including a Christmas claymation special and the Halloween zombie episode seen from a different angle.

If nothing else, watching the montage of Craig Pelton's costume changes and far-reaching puns was enough to make this episode a classic.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!