Community: 15 Best Ever Episodes

4. Season 3 Episode 20 - Digital Estate Planning

Community Epidemiology

Following Pierce' father's death, Pierce inherits his father's business and one of the side adventures of Hawthorne Enterprise' was a retro video game. The Study Group goes with Pierce to collect his inheritance, and are drawn into playing an adventure game where they play for the fortune of the Hawthorne empire.

Throughout the episode's run, the Study Group plays the game; with brilliant skits involving Shirley and Annie committing mass digital genocide, Abed sires an army of little Abed's to do his bidding and the questionable stereotypical enemies the players encounter. The tiny avatars of the cast are both adorable and cleverly animated; reminiscent of 8-Bit video game format.

The best episodes of Community show the Study Group band together to help others; and in particular this episode sees the group put their pride aside to help one unfortunate soul have a personal breakthrough.

The revelation that Giancarlo Esposito's character, Gilbert, is Pierce' half-brother is a rare character development for the politically incorrect Pierce. Had the episode been written by less smarter writers, it would have seen Pierce defeat Gilbert and claim his family fortune.

The ending scene as Pierce and Gilbert reconcile will always be a touching moment for any Community fan.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!