Community: 15 Best Ever Episodes
10. Season 6 Episode 13 - Emotional Consequences Of Broadcast Television

Not many shows stick the landing of a final episode, but Community, the show ended on a profound and well-thought out note that was both fitting and uniquely emotional.
Being an incredibly meta show throughout, the lingering idea of the series' ending is played out with various characters moving on and leaving Greendale. As a hypothetical, the characters imagine what their lives would be like if they continued as they were at Greendale.
What follows is a sequence of cutaways that offer an honest commentary on what happens when a show lives past its lifespan; the imaginations of wacky sidekicks, characters returning unnecessarily, implausible character decisions, gritty reboots and the inevitable promotion of lesser-known characters replacing the old (and re-hashing old concepts) are all demonstrated in this episode.
Normally the meta commentary of Community was vocalized by Abed, but it's Jeff, who has a crisis of identity in this finale. The realization that he will be left behind by the other members of the Study Group eats away at him, and his desperate attempts to hold the show together and reformat it, mimic the words of the audience.
Despite ending on an emotional note, we're all still waiting on #andamovie to be fulfilled.