Community: 15 Best Ever Episodes

9. Season 5 Episode 5 - Geothermal Escapism

Community Epidemiology

Troy and Abed's bromance might be one of the best recurring elements on Community, and its end in season five might be as hard as the exit of Donald Glover itself.

After Pierce' unceremonious death, Troy inherits a vast fortune, but at the caveat that he must sail the world in Pierce' family boat. Accepting the challenge, Abed decides to give Troy a memorable farewell, which equates to an apocalyptic game of Hot Lava.

Cue the classic craziness of Greendale, and the college campus is turned into a playful war zone of tables, chairs and floor buffers. It's always a delight to see Greendale students go along with the madness of the Study Group, and once again they deliver in this particular game.

At the heart of the episode lies Abed's tragic inability to let go of his best friend. While everyone else is maturely bidding farewell to Troy, Abed can't quite come to terms with it and insist he and Troy can play the game of Hot Lava forever.

The episode exhibits one of the more mature moments of growth for the two friends, and their final scene together is guaranteed to choke up even the most stone-cold audience member.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!