Community: 15 Best Ever Episodes

8. Season 1 Episode 23 - Modern Warfare

Community Epidemiology

And so begins, the first of a small collection of episodes that would define Community...

While the second season two-part finale might be a more ambitious in the Paintballing episodes, it's the first outing that set the standard and made the battles so seminal to the show.

The episode opens with Jeff waking up to find Greendale in a state of devastation; after being shot at by fellow students, he learns that a golden-goose prize is up for grabs for the last man standing in the tournament.

From the moment the paint starts flying, the episode is a non-stop action-adventure with various references to classic action films including Die Hard, The Terminator and The Matrix.

The standout character in the episode is Chang; who proudly proclaims himself as "one of those losers who brings their own guns to paintball". His performance as the antagonist desperate to get in the fight reeks of Kiriyama from Battle Royale, and when he makes his debut there is a fantastic homage to the John Woo film, Hard Boiled.

The episode is a great example of how far Community can go for both substance and story, and thankfully this episode is harnessed for finales later on down the line.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!