Constantine: 17 Easter Eggs And References You Need To See

16. Dr Roger Huntoon

The other patients at Ravenscar don't seem to be holding any further Easter eggs or references - unless the OCD guy during the group therapy session was an alternate reality Bruce Wayne who finally accepted he had a problem - but the staff are much more giving. In fact Dr Roger Huntoon, the quack tasked with trying to get to the bottom of Constantine's demons (assuming they're figurative rather than frighteningly literal) is a character who's appeared not only in the Hellblazer comics but all throughout the DC Universe. In the comics he also served as Chief Administrator at Arkham Asylum which, considering the amount of inmate breakouts there are every month, probably isn't the best credit to keep on your CV. He was also childhood mates with John, who stole Huntoon's girlfriend when they were at school together in England. He wrote the fictional book Pow! Psychology: Understanding the Super-Men (And Women), mainly about his distaste for costumed so-and-sos, after run-ins with Animal Man, The Sandman and Swamp Thing on top of his history with Constantine.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at