Constantine: 17 Easter Eggs And References You Need To See

15. What Happened In Newcastle?

Just as the pilot episode of Constantine makes almost constant reference to "Newcastle", so too did the shadow of John's greatest failure loom large over the first couple of arcs of the Hellblazer comic book. In the show it's made clear early on what happened (mostly): a little girl John was supposed to be helping died. Specifically he was attempting to exorcise her of a demon, and that went very wrong, and now her immortal soul has been doomed to eternal damnation. Woops. It was basically the same deal in the funnybooks. Throughout the first ten issues or so John is both figuratively and literally haunted by the whole ordeal before readers finally got to see it for themselves. The events happened, literally, in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, where John's punk band/Scooby gang happened upon some bad goings on at the venue they were booked at. An incantation went wrong and Astra, along with a bunch of John's mates, carked it.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at